WP Ad Stopper Plugin

End Ad Blindness By Creating Instant Ad Stop Pages That Allow You To Make More Money by 260%!

wp ad stopper plugin

You may have seen these if you have been surfing the web recently and wondered how they did it.

These click-friendly splash pages and or forced optin page are very successful with getting the click the offer and they instantly solve the problem with the visitor’s click finger!

Because if the visitor wants the free info on your site bad enough or if the offer is intriguing enough they will click through to see the rest.

Here’s what you can do with Ad Stop Pages:

  • Create an Ad Stop Page to feature high converting affiliate products
  • Boost your optin rates from 10% to 60% or more!
  • Use Ad Stop Page to quickly test and rotate new affiliate offers
  • Instantly direct traffic to your higher converting blog pages
  • Redirect traffic to higher paying Adsense pages!

Price: $3.95
Product Type: WordPress Plugins
License: Personal Use Rights
Date Added: December 10, 2013
File Size: 0.16MB
Category: WP Plugins

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