Delayed Download Plugin

Discover the Simple Tool That Will Make Your Readers Finally Pay Attention to Your Offer! Remove the hurry and distraction factor from your website traffic!

delayed download plugin

There’s no doubt that today’s surfers are in more of a hurry than ever before. All you need to do is look at your bounce rate to know that.

Most page visits last only seconds – hardly long enough for your readers to even see your offer, let alone act on it.

And if you’re offering something for free – such as a lead-generating report – the ‘grab and go’ surfing style of today means readers are in and out so fast they sometimes don’t even remember where (or why) they downloaded your offer in the first place.

Website owners have been trying to figure out how to keep readers on their site longer and how to engage visitors better since the Internet began. Today, though, as we’ve just seen, it’s even more imperative.

Distractions are everywhere and surfers have amazingly short attention spans.

Now, with this powerful WordPress plugin, you can actually encourage your visitors to see your offer, opt-in to your list, or read your terms – all with just a simple shortcode.

Below are some of its features:

  • Easy one-click installation right from your WordPress dashboard.
  • Failure-proof style for easy bypassing of pop-up if necessary.
  • Unlimited delayed downloads for multiple offers.
  • Full formatting available using the WordPress WYSIWYG editor.
  • Works with all major autoresponders for easy insertion of opt-in forms.
  • Multiple color/layout styles to match any blog.
  • Customizable call to action button for better conversion rates.
  • Ability to add images to your delay screen.
  • Custom CSS fields for infinite variety.
  • One-click addition of your delayed download to any post or page.
  • Ability to trigger your download via a link or an image.
  • Easy shortcodes so you don’t have to worry about fragile scripts that WordPress loves to break.

Price: $3.95
Product Type: WordPress Plugins
License: Personal Use Rights
Date Added: November 15, 2013
File Size: 0.86MB
Category: WP Plugins

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