InContent Ads Plugin

At Last There’s a Way to Easily and Quickly Incorporate an Unlimited Number of Ad Blocks Within Your WordPress Pages and Posts!

incontent ads plugin


You work hard to create a solid resource for your readers. One where they’ll return again and again for information, recommendations, and more.

And presenting relevant ads and other important snippets is a part of your job as a website owner.

The trouble is, unless you know a fair bit about php – or want to hire someone who does – getting reusable ads and other information into your posts and pages is frustrating at best.

Really, unless you want to re-invent the wheel on each and every post, there simply is no good way to achieve an ‘in content’ ad block. Until now.

No More Cumbersome HTML Code or Fragile JavaScript Worries

If you’ve ever tried to place an Adsense block or even an AWeber opt-in form into a post or page, then you know just how sticky that can get. It seems like all you have to do it look at it crossways to break all that code, and you’re left starting all over.

This Versatile Plugin Offers Nearly Endless Possibilities. As this amazing plugin is good for more than just ad blocks, though. In fact, there are so many possible uses you might just find yourself creating ‘ads’ for everything, including…

  • Polls and surveys for gathering information on what your readers need and want from your site.
  • Opt-in forms – imagine the list-building power if you could easily target an offer to a specific post, category, or page?
  • Affiliate offers – Sidebar ads are most often overlooked, but place that banner ad mid-content and you’ll be amazed at the click-through rate.
  • pecial announcements – Launching a new video series, hosting a webinar, or speaking at an event? Let your readers know!
  • Video content – embed YouTube or other videos in your posts easily.
  • The ability to place more than one ad on a page.
  • Customer testimonials.
  • Author bios – perfect for guest bloggers!
  • And so much more…

Price: $3.95
Product Type: WordPress Plugins
License: Personal Use Rights
Date Added: September 6, 2013
File Size: 5MB
Category: WP Plugins

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