WorkPlace Warrior – eBook with Master Resale Rights

workplace warrior

The Ultimate Guide To Finding The Perfect Job and Earning The Salary You Want! If You’re Stuck In Rut – Looking For A New Job – Or Need To Earn More Money Then This Is The Most Important Ebook You’ll Find All Year!

Work Place Warrior could be the most important book you read in your life, it has the ability to change the way you live for the better, almost immediately. Here are just some of the areas covered in detail in the book:

  • How To Mentally Prepare Yourself For Job Hunting: Master these ten positive traits and jobs will practically find you.
  • How To Discover Great Jobs: A little known tactic that could lead you to the job of your dreams.
  • How To Land A Higher Paying Job: (One simple tactic that could make you $10,000 a year more whatever job you apply for).
  • How To Write A Job Winning Resume That Puts Yours Right At The Top Of The Stack: Discover why even the best qualifications for a job does not guarantee you’ll even get an Interview and the simple tricks you can use to make sure you do.
  • Discover the two things you should never include in your resume, although it’s commonly done they’re an opportunity killer. Plus see the 37 magic words that will bring you resume to life and mark you out as a ‘can-do’ candidate.
  • How To Get A Raise: You’ll read about not just one but fifteen different ways that can increase your salary, plus the ‘magic key’ that opens door to bigger paychecks.
  • The Insider’s Guide To Getting Along With Your Boss: Simple techniques and skills to ‘Manage Your Boss’ and get far more satisfaction in the workplace.

Price: $0.00
Product Type: Free eBooks
License: Master Resale Rights
Date Added: April 2, 2012
File Size: 0.16MB
Category: Jobs and Careers