A Product a Day – eBook with Master Resell Rights

product day

Why Be Just An Affiliate Marketer Or Reseller When You Can Easily Create Your Own Digital Products In Just One Day?

You may be fairly new to the internet marketing arena, or you may already be making money as an affiliate marketer and/or product reseller – Maybe even making a comfortable living from your internet business endeavors… But if that’s all you’re doing, you’re missing the boat – big time!

If you’re just affiliate marketing, you’re not building your list fast enough, you’re promoting and branding other marketers only, and you’re just getting a piece of each sale you make online.

If you’re just buying products with resell rights to offer to your customers you’re making the money from each sale, but you’re still branding the creators of those products instead of yourself, and you’re not offering anything unique – every resell rights product has dozens, hundreds or even thousands of sites offering the same product.

Introducing… A Product A Day

This powerful new report has just been released, and will reveal…

How To Create Products From Private Label Rights! (And that’s just the Introduction!)

5 Different Unique Digital Products You Can Create In ONE DAY EACH!

Suggested Ways To Monetize Each Of The Five Methods!

How To Decide Which Ones To Sell and Which To Build Your Opt-In Lists With!

Special Bonus: 7 Additional Products That Can Be Created In ONE DAY EACH!

Best of all, once YOU are creating the products, it’s up to YOU what rights to give out with them… Add them to your affiliate program and recruit an affiliate sales force to market them for you!

Offer Master Resell Rights and get others spreading YOUR name and links all around the world – and their customers too!

And when you give your products away to build your lists, give them a copy of your squeeze page and let them give it away to build their lists too – after all, it’s YOUR name and links they’re branding with every copy they give away! Watch your profits explode when these three channels take YOUR products viral!

Price: $0.00
Product Type: Free eBooks
License: Master Resale Rights
Date Added: January 19, 2013
File Size: 1.3MB
Category: Product Creation