Learning Gutenberg – Video with Private Label Rights

You’re probably aware that most websites now use the WordPress platform to run and maintain their websites.

learning gutenberg

Recently WordPress made a major overhaul of their editor. It went from the Classic Editor to what they have coined as the Gutenberg Editor.

This specific training course was designed to help you understand how to use the WordPress Gutenberg Editor in more depth, even if you are a newbie.

You’ll find the editing experience to be much more enjoyable and productive.

Topics covered:

  • Introduction to Gutenberg 
  • Quick Overview of User Interface
  • Understanding the Types of Blocks
  • Using the Sidebar
  • Common Blocks
  • Formatting Blocks
  • Layout Elements
  • Not Ready For Gutenberg?
  • More Editor Options

Price: $9.95
Product Type: Videos
License: Private Label Rights
Date Added: September 1, 2019
File Size: 692MB
Category: WordPress

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