Kindle Publishing Step By Step Guide – PLR eBook

kindle publishing step by step

Amazon’s Kindle bookstore is one of the fastest growing platforms for getting your work out into the world. Digitally published content is Amazon’s fastest growing segment.

More and more authors are coming on to their publishing network every day. More importantly, more and more people are purchasing Kindles and making digital book purchases every day.

The Kindle bookstore can be a fantastic way to both bring in a new income stream, as well as introduce new people to your ideas and product funnel.

People often see publishing on the Kindle as much more difficult than it really is. The reality is, submitting your book to the Kindle store takes just a few hours.

Price: $3.95
Product Type: eBooks
License: Private Label Rights
Date Added: September 30, 2013
File Size: 2.5MB
Category: Digital Publishing

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