Hairdo Holy Land – eBook with Master Resale Rights

hairdo holy land

As though we didn’t get adequate age betrayal from our faces, necks and hands, now we have to fret about it from our hair. However with these tips, you’re aging locks will go from a boring gray to a healthy (vernal) shine!

Having hair like a famous person doesn’t call for lots of cash, but lots of work is demanded.

This eBook will show you exactly what what you need to do to get a killer hairdo!

Inside you will learn all about:

  • Hair style basics
  • Best styles for an oval face
  • Best styles for a long face
  • Best styles for a square face
  • and much more!

Price: $2.95
Product Type: eBooks
License: Master Resale Rights
Date Added: August 1, 2013
File Size: 2.2MB
Category: Beauty

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