Firesale Magician – Resale Rights eBook

It’s Not a Disaster, It’s a Tested and Proven Marketing Method Successful Business Owners Have Been Using for Years!

firesale magician

Put The Power Of A Fire Sale To Work For You And Discover The Internet Marketing Triple-Play: More Customers, More Sales, More Profits!

Being an entrepreneur is tough. There’s a constant struggle to earn just a little extra, gain one more new customer, and cover the bills that always seem to increase, and never go down.

I know how you feel. I struggle with all these things, too.

Add to that the day to day operations of a small business – things like finding qualified assistants, testing new software, and customer service – and who has the time to actually market and grow a business?

What if I told you there is a marketing plan so simple, yet so powerful, that once you put it to work you’ll wonder why everyone’s not doing it? Would you be interested?

Then read on, because I have a secret to share, and it begins with…
A Simple Idea That Brick and Mortar Stores Have Used For Years

When you need to raise money fast, build a list of buying customers, or just improve your revenue stream, it pays to take a page from the retail marketing handbook and hold a fire sale. After all, it’s worked for brick and mortar businesses since retail was invented, so making it work in the digital age should be a snap!

Well, maybe. Obviously, some things are different. For one, you haven’t actually had a fire (I hope!) and even if you did, digital products aren’t likely to suffer smoke damage the way a sofa would. But with a little tweaking, a firesale can grow your internet business in ways you would never have dreamed. Imagine…

  • More traffic – because everyone loves a great bargain!
  • More customers – those who might never have tried your product or service will jump at the chance now that your prices are so low!
  • More profit – deep discounts don’t have to equal a financial loss. Make up for price by selling in massive quantities!

But let’s face it, if it were that easy, everyone would be doing it. That’s why I wrote Firesale Magician – to share the tricks I’ve learned over the years that will help make your fire sale a raging success! Let’s find out how!

Fantastically Successful Firesales Don’t Just Happen

You have to put in some planning, but don’t worry, I’m going to take all the work out of it and show you exactly what you need to do to ensure the success of your firesale. For example, I’ll tell you about the three elements every firesale must have. Without them, your sale will be all smoke and no flame, and that’s a recipe for disaster. You’ll learn about…

  • Creating a sense of urgency – and how to avoid earning a reputation as one of those businesses for whom everything is on sale every day.
  • Limiting available quantities – and how you can do that even when your product is digital.
  • Harnessing the power of diminishing returns – and how raising the price can actually bring in more buyers!

You might think that a firesale is just a temporary shot in the arm for your business, but in fact, done correctly, a fire sale can help your business grow exponentially! Enticing a new customer with the promise of a great product at a fantastic discount is just the tip of the iceberg. That same customer, once she has a taste of the value your business offers, will not only return to you again and again, but she’ll tell her friends and colleagues about you as well. Word of mouth advertising is still the best buzz for your business, and nothing gets tongues wagging like a great deal!

Price: $2.95
Product Type: eBooks
License: Resale Rights
Date Added: May 7, 2013
File Size: 16.3MB
Category: Online Sales

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