Kicking off the Cigarette Butt

If you’ve tried the gum, the electric cigarette, hypnosis or any combination and found it didn’t work then you may like to look into other options.


Did it seems like you just couldn’t say ‘no’ to a quick smoke? It could be safe to say you are like 90 % of the population. Are you ready to step away from the crowd and live a life smoke free?

You’re about to learn some of the best kept secrets about your addiction to cigarettes and have a life changing moment!

Some of the benefits you’ll have when you kick this ugly habit are:

  • Better health so you can enjoy your life and your family.
  • Healthier skin because cigarettes are a major poison.
  • More money to spend on bills or groceries.
  • More energy from an improved immune system.
  • Cleaner smelling home and car.
  • Less nicotine stains in your home or your car.

Price: $4.95
Product Type: Videos
License: Master Resale Rights
Date Added: June 12, 2012
File Size: 74.7MB
Category: Quit Smoking

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